Recent Projects
For over 25 years, Mike's Electric, Inc. has grown steadily from a one-man operation working locally in northern Vermont to a company with 70+ employees, now known as MEI Electrical Contractors & Systems Integrators, that has successfully bid and won contracts on major electrical projects throughout New England. Listed below are just a few of our projects.
MEI Electrical Contractors
The backbone of MEI’s work consists of commercial projects, including the buildings, hotels, and condos at Jay Peak Ski Resort and Burke Mountain Ski Resort. Other commercial projects include Peerless Clothing in St. Albans; R.R. Charlebois expansion; Sheldon Springs Solar; Governor Prouty apartments in Newport; Jericho Market and City Market South End; Gallagher Flynn remodel; store remodels in VT and NH for Hannaford’s, Shaw’s, Rite Aid, and WalMart.
Lighting Retrofits and Controls
Lighting retrofits have been installed at Norwich University; Paragon Communications in MA, Family Dollar Stores in VT; in several buildings at Camp Johnson; and at Waitsfield Elementary School. VT Precision Tools for Trane USA, Randolph Waste Water for Johnson Controls, and Alchemist Brewery in Middlebury for Trane Commercial Services are all examples of Controls projects.
The expansion at Otter Creek Brewery in Middlebury with Bread Loaf Corporation, the renovations to the old Energizer Building in St. Albans for Peerless Clothing with DEW Construction, the Mylan Technologies Office renovations in St. Albans with Stewart Construction, and the Louis Garneau warehouse in Newport with DEW Construction are all classified under the Industrial sector.
MEI has worked closely with general contractors on lighting retrofits and renovations to the following: Mary Hogan School in Middlebury, VT; Berlin Public Schools in Berlin, VT; Orleans Elementary School in Orleans, VT; Georgia Elementary School in Georgia, VT; Rice High School, in South Burlington, VT; Cardigan Mountain School in Canaan, NH; and the University of Vermont’s Taft School, Billings Library, and Englesby House.
Governmental Sector
Work under this heading includes projects for Federal, State, and Local governments. MEI is a Hub-Zone certified contractor. From Land Ports of Entry (LPOE) and Border Patrol stations across New York, Vermont, and Maine to Social Security office renovations, the Federal Government sector continues to increase.
MEI has been awarded several contracts for work with the State of Vermont; namely, lighting renovations to State Office Buildings in St. Albans, Burlington, and Montpelier, to Correctional Facilities and Courthouses around the State, and to the Vermont National Guard locations at Camp Johnson and Camp Ethan Allen Training Site.
Local governmental work includes the Town of Waterbury’s Waste Water Treatment Plant, the new Essex Police Department facility, the Town Office and Rec Center in Middlebury, VT, and the Gorham NH Town Garage renovations.
Health Care
Recent projects within the Health Care sector include Marathon Health in Winooski, VT; Little Rivers Health Care in Bradford, VT; Aspenti Health in Williston, VT; multiple locations for Clear Choice MD offices in VT and NH; University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center and Health Care in Worcester, MA; and Copley Hospital’s surgical expansion in Morrisville, VT.
MEI worked with Kingdom Construction on renovations to the Sweet Tree facilities for the processing and collection of maple syrup in the Northeast Kingdom, as well as providing and installing a 3,000 amp generator and component parts there. Lighting renovations to Hope Grows Community Farm and a Manure Digester Project on the Joneslan Farm, both in Hyde Park, VT, round out some of MEI’s agricultural projects.
MEI has worked with J.E. Hale Construction on two large residential homes and barns in Glover and East Burke, VT, with Thompson Timber Frame on a large residence in Kirby, VT, with Green Timber Works on a house and pool in Concord, VT, as well as working with the nonprofit Lamoille Restorative Center on a retrofit of a trailer for a low-income family in Greensboro Bend, VT.
MEI Systems Integrators
Data, Telecom, and Security
Recent projects for installations of security systems include: new residential construction in northern VT; law library data lines at the Northwest State Correctional Facility in VT; security CCTV at the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel in Burlington, VT; the Genetec Security Center at MEI’s offices, plus several Union Bank locations; access control systems in two growing businesses in Morrisville, VT; card reader/intercom system at the Lamoille County Courthouse; contracts with the State of Vermont for security enhancements to several Agency of Human Services buildings throughout the State; security system upgrade at the Burlington International Airport; upgrades at a GSA-ICE facility in South Burlington; and installations at border crossings Some of these projects are in conjunction with electrical work under a general contractor; many are direct contracts.
Fire Alarm Systems
Fire alarm and security systems are integral parts of many of MEI’s Commercial and Industrial projects listed above. To name just a few: fire alarm systems have been installed in all buildings and condos at the Jay Peak Resort and Burke Mountain Resort; at the Notchbrook Condos in Stowe, VT; at the Green Mountain Inn and Mountain River School in Stowe, VT; in Correctional Facilities throughout the State; in State Office Buildings and Parking Garages; at Shelburne Community School in Shelburne, VT; at Camp Kiniya in Colchester; at Sonesta Suites in Williston, VT.